Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 8: Kellog to Paradise Montanta

That's right, today we went to Paradise. To get their though we had to climb and go down two mountains as well as ride 105 miles. It was crazy intense. All in al we climbed over 4,000 ft, and we were all exhausted at the end of the day. I was impressed though that the team did really well with such a tough ride. This was the day the North and South route climbed Kirkwood Mountain, which is a big deal for them. They can have it though, because we all know out day was tougher. :)

Once we FINALLY arrived in Paradise, we went to the resort that was giving us free rooms and passes to hot springs and mineral springs. It was a much needed relaxation. tomorrow we got to Missoula, and have a friendship visit. Frankly, it's about time we start having some more friendship visits. I can't wait to spend some more time with the people we are serving and to start handing out grants from the money we raised!

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