Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 29: Colorado Springs to Pueblo

Today we woke up to some very sad news. The mother of Carl Hiediman, one of our teammates lost her battle with cancer. He had already left the team, and we dedicated today’s ride to his mom. I hope everyone who is reading this will keep his family in your prayers.

After a great breakfast sponsored by Cameron’s parents we left Colorado College for Pueblo. Although we are still in Colorado, today’s scenery is much more like Kansas than the picturesque Colorado we had come to enjoy. Overall the ride was good, and we had a great time. I rode with Wulf and Jason today, and they were cracking me up the entire time.

Lunch was sponsored by the Pueblo Chamber of Commerce, and everyone got a little goodie bag with some buttons and pins from Pueblo. We ate at the Gold Dust Saloon and it was great. Our lodging was at the Guesthouse Inn, and at first I got thrown in a room without air conditioning, but we eventually got our room changed. It was fun.

For dinner we went to a place called Cinfully Delicious. This was another dinner that was supposed to be a friendship visit, but in the end was just the team eating. The food was great though, and the real tamales were awesome. After dinner we went down to the river walk on the Arkansas river, and then went to some local “establishments” for a little bit of relaxation before sleeping in our comfy beds for the night.

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