Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 33: Garden City to Dodge City

Today was only a fifty mile day, but it was the first humid day of the trip. I’m sure it is the first of many to come. We are staying at Dodge City Community College (DCCC), and we ate at the DCCC cafeteria today. It really brought me back to living in the dorms at Truman. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to shower before going to our friendship visit at 1:00, so I felt pretty dirt most the day.

Our friendship visit was at a place called Arrowhead, which was a sheltered workshop for people with disabilities. Most of them were highly functional, but had some sort of mental or developmental disability. I met the guy who was in charge of recruiting for the Special Olympics, and he was really proud about that job. I spent most the friendship visit running the miniature golf game, and I had a good time with it. To be honest though, I was really tired, and it wasn’t my finest performance at a friendship visit.

After the visit, we drove back to DCCC and jumped in the shower very quickly. It was nice being clean and not covered in a thin layer of salt from sweating all day. For dinner we headed over to Dan Wallace’s grandma’s house. It was a nice BBQ, and we were able to watch the two news stations’ stories on us. They were pretty good, but after the segment on one station the anchor made a joke about why anyone would go to Washington D.C. through Pratt KS (our destination for tomorrow).

Like I said, I’m exhausted, so while the rest of the team watches batman begins, I’m going to bed.

1 comment:

Kara B said...

St. Louis is so soon!